My Indigo World
-This gorgeous celebration of the color blue and the indigo plant, by a Korean American debut artist and storyteller, powerfully connects art and the natural world.
Pre-order available here ︎

May 02, 2023 | 40 Pages | 10 x 8| 4-8 years | ISBN 9781662650659
Indigo Sketchbook
-From 2018 - On going
A visual journal showing a process of growing Japanese indigo plants from seeds to the dye a piece of fabric. All growing process & plant journey on view via Indigo Sketchbook's Instagram page here
Watercolor/pencils on sketchbook

The Weeping Trees, 2017
Sustainability theme picture book project-MFA Final Thesis Show at School of Visual Art, New York, Summer 2017
Medium: An illustrated picture book featuring recycled fabrics, found objects, and mixed-media collage
The Weeping Trees is a mixed-media picture book lled with whimsical illustrations created using commonly found objects and recycled materials, such as old garments, cardboard boxes and yarns. However, behind her colorful illustrations, Chang carefully unravels the deep subjects of abandonment, newfound friendship, acceptance, and revival through the adventure had by a young willow and sturdy, old oak.
Cover & Selected Illustrations from the book

A community workshop at the BMA Lexington Market
October 11, 2019Sharing your memories of foods and plant matter by creating a short visual story (zine) with food/plants and food waste. A public workshop for family & kids.
The goal of this workshop is for people to interact with plant matter and food waste from the Lexington Market and how it can be used as a storytelling tool to visualize their own stories/memories to share. Sustainability and one of asian/zen philosophies “Not Wasting” are two basic concepts of this workshop.
Photo by Colby Ware

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-Digital illustration